Generally, surgeries in Hepatobiliary system are performed with less invasive methods. Hepatobiliary Surgery is done with highly skilled surgeons. The complications during the surgery can be life-threatening and hence should be performed by expert doctors.
Some of the standard procedures performed under Hepatobiliary Surgery are: Liver transplantation Gallbladder removal Anti-reflux surgery for the gastrointestinal system Bile duct surgery
Need for Hepatobiliary Surgery- Hepatobiliary Surgery is performed when the patient is diagnosed with cancer or disease in Hepatobiliary system. It is also performed when benign diseases like bile duct resection or cysts removal are to be done. When some kind of tumor grows in gallbladder or liver, surgeons perform meticulous and skillful Hepatobiliary Surgery on the patient to remove the tumor from the Hepatobiliary system.
Liver Transplantation- Liver transplantation is one of the standard procedures in Hepatobiliary Surgery. In this procedure, the dead or failed liver is transplanted with a new and healthy liver which is donated by the organ donor. The liver is the largest organ in the human body and performs many vital functions like the removal of bacteria and toxins from the blood, and processing nutrients.
Treatment- Liver failure can happen in a week or gradually for a longer time. Many people face liver disease, and liver transplantation is a successful way to save the patient's life. However, there are only a few liver organ donors, and it is difficult for many people to find the donor for transplantation of a healthy liver. Chronic liver failure can be treated with liver transplantation. Liver failure may be the cause of a variety of reasons. The most common reason for liver failure is scarring of the liver also called Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and impairment of liver functions with the time.
The major causes of Cirrhosis are:
HEP B and C Alcohol consumption Bile duct diseases Genetic diseases
Cancers and Hepatobiliary Surgery- A liver transplant can also save patients from dangerous Cancers that start from the Liver. The procedure is used to remove primary and secondary cancers tumors from the Hepatobiliary system. With the help of liver transplantation, surgeons may remove the ill liver and replace it with a healthy liver.
After Procedure- There are some common complications associated with Hepatobiliary Surgery. However, these can be easily treated and can be cured in a few days after surgery. The procedure requires a team of dedicated doctors and surgeons for making the surgery successful. There should be enough medicines, doctors, and tools available that can treat the risks associated with the operation.
Some of the risks of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver transplantation are: Failure transplantation Clot in blood Seizure Infection Bile duct complications Rejection of transplantation In case of any of these complications, it is always advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Take Away- Post-Hepatobiliary Surgery Care is essential for patients who just had liver transplanted. They need to be put in ICU for better care. The patients are kept under hospital care for at least ten days and then the doctors prescribe regular follow-ups and medication. The patient must follow all the instructions and medications prescribed by the doctor for better and optimum result.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Goutham Kumar","medicalSpecialty":"General Surgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Liver Cancer - How To Identify It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Liver cancer is when the cells in the liver grow uncontrolled. As the liver filters blood from all parts of the body, one of the most common reasons for liver cancer is perhaps metastasis, which is spread from other parts. Through the blood, cancer cells from other parts reach the liver for filtration and can then make the organ cancerous.
In addition to this, there are other risk factors that can lead to liver cancer. For example, people suffering from obesity, alcohol and tobacco abuse, viral hepatitis (B or C), chronic liver disease (especially in men, who are more prone than women to develop cancer), cirrhosis and someone who has a history of prolonged use of steroids can suffer from the disease. Also, while liver cancer is very rare in the Americas, it is very common in Africa and Southeast Asia as the prevalence of hepatitis is higher in these regions.
When it comes to the symptoms, it s acceptable that liver cancer is insidious, and the exact point of origin cannot be identified. It continues to grow until symptoms become evident, which are also nonspecific. Before analyzing your health on your own, it s always recommendable to seek an expert s final word on it. Let s take a look at the top signs that might point out towards liver cancer.
Abdominal pain: When you suffer a strong pain in the abdominal area, especially in the upper portion on the right side, it can signal a lump or a growing tumor in the liver. This can also be accompanied by middle or lower back pain. Weight loss: Many a time, women who suffer from a sudden loss of weight can be going through a deadly disease like this one. In most cases, these weight loss cases show no attempts on the patient s side, that is, the weight loss occurred for unknown reasons. A loss of appetite, without any reasons, is another indicator. These can result due to unexplained reasons and should be taken seriously. White, chalky stools: This one is another tell-tale sign of liver cancer. Often, people tend to ignore stools in light, flaky colors. It is always better to consult a doctor, as you might be ignoring a sign of potential cancer. Bloating: When you feel certain heaviness or bloating in the upper part of the abdomen due to fluid accumulation it indicates, which is one of the indicators for testing liver cancer. Frequent body conditions: Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, one can also consider personal health history when facing any liver-related problems. Recurring severe nausea and vomiting and general signs of lethargy and weakness can also indicate liver cancer. Also, personal health history with claims the patient suffered from jaundice (due to the accumulation of bile pigments in the sclera and skin) can also be taken into consideration.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Vijay Sharnangat","medicalSpecialty":"Oncologist","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"","@type":"Question","text":"Liver Surgery - What You Need To Know","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Liver surgery or reception is actually a very serious operation that should always be done by some skilled or experienced surgeons. Due to the fact that the person with liver cancer also has some other issues besides cancer that is why surgeons need to remove enough for the liver so that all of the cancer can be removed and still has to leave a decent amount and so that the liver functions properly. Liver plays an important part in the clotting of blood and also the factors that a lot of blood passed through it and the fact that after the rejection of liver there is usually lot of bleeding so that is a primary concern.
Possible Side-effects of Risks involving Liver Resection Surgery or liver resection is a very important operation so it is necessary that you are healthy enough to go for the surgery and the doctor is sure of the benefits compared to the risks as every surgery bears risks of its own. This surgery is no different as it also has some risks such as:
Blood clots in the lungs There is action may cause some damage to the surrounding organs Pneumonia is always common risk Although bleeding is a risk with any surgery, the stake can be much higher in this case. This is due to the fact that huge amount of blood passes through the liver. As liver helps in the clotting of blood this surgery can affect this also. People who are getting liver transplant have specially a concern in the form of infection as they need to take proper medicines to repress the immune system. People who are taking medicines can be affected with serious infections and in some cases medicines also cause there own side effects. In Spite of having proper medicines to repress the new system there is always a possibility that the body Would Still reject a new liver. What to expect after the surgery It will take your time to do your regular day to day activities as your bowel movements will still not function properly. Eventually you can resume your regular lifestyle once you leave the hospital. You should definitely about yourself from lifting heavy things for several weeks and you should definitely follow the instructions given by your doctor.
Feeling weakness is pretty much normal and the duration of time to heal from an operation varies from one person to another. People undergoing laparoscopic hepatectomy is likely to go home sooner than the person undergoing open hepatectomy.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Binod Samal","medicalSpecialty":"General Surgeon","image":"","url":""},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Hepatocellular Carcinoma - Articles & Health Tips, Questions & Answers, Advice From Top Doctors, Health Experts | Lybrate
See we have to evaluate completely the stage of te cancer and also the other parameters ,then we can suggest what to do .so take the online appointment for the same ok.
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery ( more
Unani Specialist•Kanpur
Follow these herbal combinations sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day jalodaradi avleh 10 gm twice a day vyadhi har rasayan 125 mg twice a day send your report.
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery ( more
Unani Specialist•Kanpur
Sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day pittari avleh 10 gm twice a day vyadhi har rasayan 125 mg twice a day gulmkalanal awleh 10 gm twice a day send your report.
DNB Gastro-Intestinal Surgery, MS (Gen. more
Surgical Gastroenterologist•Delhi
Liver cancer treatment is multidisciplinary with many new treatments now available which usually works better than only soranib. It requires full assessment of liver function and stage of the disease.
Sorry to know about your condition. The dose of sorafenib you are taking is lower than regular dosage. But please discuss this with your treating oncologist as he can convey better as to the reasons for such prescription.
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, Fellowship more
General Surgeon•Bangalore
The liver, pancreas, bile ducts, and gallbladder forms the Hepatobiliary system. The disease in the Hepatobiliary system is complicated and it requires years of expertise to effectively attend people with such cases. Generally, surgeries in Hepatobiliary system are performed with less invasive methods. Hepatobiliary Surgery is done with highly skilled surgeons. The complications during the surgery can be life-threatening and hence should be performed by expert doctors.
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of more
Liver cancer is when the cells in the liver grow uncontrolled. As the liver filters blood from all parts of the body, one of the most common reasons for liver cancer is perhaps metastasis, which is spread from other parts. Through the blood, cancer cells from other parts reach the liver for filtration and can then make the organ cancerous.
In addition to this, there are other risk factors that can lead to liver cancer. For example, people suffering from obesity, alcohol and tobacco abus...more
MBBS, MS - General Surgery, more
General Surgeon•Delhi
Liver surgery or reception is actually a very serious operation that should always be done by some skilled or experienced surgeons. Due to the fact that the person with liver cancer also has some other issues besides cancer that is why surgeons need to remove enough for the liver so that all of the cancer can be removed and still has to leave a decent amount and so that the liver functions properly. Liver plays an important part in the clotting of blood and also the factors that a lot of blood p...more
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